The Guardian narra estreia de Jarryd Hayne pelos 49ers, e o resultado é genial
Jarryd Hayne, estrela do Rugby na Austrália, deixou "seu esporte" para tentar a sorte na NFL, e ele fez sua estreia no Monday Night contra o Minnesota Vikings. Por sua posição como membro da seleção australiana de Rugby e estrela da liga, Hayne atraiu a atenção de alguns fãs e da mídia, mas que não entendem muito sobre futebol americano. O The Guardian narrou ao vivo o jogo de Hayne e o resultado foi genial (sem tradução para não tirar a graça dos excelentes comentários). Alguém precisa contratar quem fez isso: Sobre a NFL em geral: "I don't admit to knowing a motherlode about American football but I do know there's a third-string punt returner and/or running back playing called Jarryd "Hayne Plane and/or Train" Hayne, wearer of the most famous No38 in Australian sports history. So yes, there's been some hype." Sobre a primeira participação de Hynes no jogo: "Here's the Hayne Plane! His first touch in the NFL. And... he drops it? Oh my goodness me, he drops it! His first touch is a fumble! He's grassed it. Oh my." Sobre a recepção para 7 jardas: "He is given the ball and he .... oh yes, he makes some yards. And he's getting a little love. And wow, he's on the telly, doing his thing for the Eels. Ha. Oh, rugby league. He's got the ball from a pass - he beats one! He beats ... no, that's all. Just one. Good little run though. He made seven yards." Sobre o Giro/Touchdown de Carlos Hyde: "Hyde spun and ran and confused everyone and we have a touchdown!" Comentários engraçados sobre Teddy Bridgewater e Carlos Hyde envolvendo até Donald Trump: "Teddy Bridgewater has been solid without being the reincarnation of ... oh here we go, who? ... I'm going with Joe Namath. ... Interception! Sorry Teddy, commentator's curse. ... Here's Carlos again ... He's owning this puppy. Owning it like Don Trump owns stuff made of gold." Mais algumas passagens isoladas e MUITO engraçadas: "Bridgewater starting to throw the hamburger (acho que a melhor parte), now. Darryl Patterson takes a catch and is jumped upon by a huge man. There will be no illegal substituting in this referee's National Football League, no sirree Bob Hoskins. Sacked. Couldn't tell you why it's called that. But sacked he was, Teddy, sacked like a poor employee." Pedindo pela entrada de Hayne no jogo: "And surely now it's time to release the man, the enigma, the rugby playing kangaroo man, Jarryd "Hayne Plane and/or Train" Hayne. What's the worst can happen?" Sobre o final do jogo (mais provas de como ele foi gênio): "Carlos Hyde again, a human battering ram. ... He's being bashed up like a packet of crackers. ... The crowd are making some noise, no-one knows why, not even the crowd, it's just like a mass noise made by everyone at once, for no reason, just sporadically. ... No air raid siren from 1944 London? ... And there's the siren for full-time and it's, ha, like a fog horn from the Titanic, which is how the Vikings have fared this evening.(perfeito) ... I'm Matt Cleary. Goodnight, good afternoon and good on ya."